Master Gardener volunteers worked with Susan Fisher, MGEV and manager of the Garden at Brookdale, to tackle a significant amount of vegetable byproduct and turn it into compost. Master Composter James Ogden helped create the proper balance and now the piles are cooking!
Thirteen Bibb County Master Gardener Volunteers were on hand April 11th to help plant up the new raised bed vegetable garden at the Brookdale Resource Center in Macon. Susan Fisher, MGEV from the 2022 class, was hired as a part-time paid employee to oversee the garden and coordinate volunteers.
Eight Master Gardeners from the North Chapter teamed up with Girl Scouts from Bibb, Monroe, and Jones County for a nature-themed badge workshop at Girl Scout Camp Martha Johnston on April 15th.
Bibb County Master Gardener Volunteers worked with Macon Area Habitat for Humanity in early March to lead and assist with several landscape installation days. MGVs directed groups as they installed shrubs and sod.